Artist Submerged 19th Century Dress in the Dead Sea for Two Years

By | August 29, 2016

Israeli artist Sigalit Landau submerged a nineteenth century dress in the Dead Sea for two years. The project, called Salt Bride, was inspired by a play called The Dybbuk, which is about a woman, Leah, who becomes possessed by a demon.

"In Landau's Salt Bride series, Leah's black garb is transformed underwater as salt crystals gradually adhere to the fabric. Over time, the sea's alchemy transforms the plain garment from a symbol associated with death and madness into the wedding dress it was always intended to be."

Landau collaborated with photographer Yotam From, who had to weigh himself down with 150 pounds of weight to take photos several feet under water.

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H/T Sigalit Landau