Tracking Devices: Is Big Brother Watching You?

By | November 16, 2018

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Colossus Computer

Down through history, there has always been some kind of need to know where someone is. However primitive it might have been in the beginning, we can certainly see today that the need to know has certainly progressed.

Back in 1943-1945, Colossus became the world’s first electronic programmable computer. Designed by a research telephone engineer to solve a mathematical problem, who knew then what it would lead to in the future? The first one of these, Colossus Mark 1 was working and in use by 1944. Colossus Mark 2 was working just in time for D-Day. There were ten in use by the end of the war. Through these humongous computers, Bletchley Park was able to allow the Allies to gain a significant amount of high-level military intelligence by intercepting messages between the Germans and their commanding armies. Because of their beneficial use, it was a best-kept secret until the mid-1970s. It’s hard to imagine that something this huge has been reduced down to the small sizes of computers that we have today. 

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Block-I GPS Satellite

GPS satellite technology was originally designed for the military back during the Cold War of the 1960s. It was never intended to be used for the average citizen. Inspired by Sputnik, the Soviet spacecraft back in 1957, the GPS system came into existence as a network of satellites that orbit the earth, beaming down signals from space to anybody on the earth that has a GPS tracking device. The first Block-I GPS satellite started in 1978 as an experiment when it was then launched into space. By 1985, 10 more of these were launched into space as confirmation that the idea of GPS was successful.