The 1940 Olympics Were Canceled Because Of World War II

By | April 30, 2020

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(Wada Sanzō/Wikimedia Commons)

The 1940 Olympic Games were supposed to be a coming-out party of sorts for Japan. Initially scheduled to take place from September 21–October 6, 1940 in Tokyo, the games were postponed after the country withdrew from their hosting duties to focus on going to war with China. The backup host, Helsinki, was set to host the games earlier in the year, but the outbreak of World War II ended the games completely. What would have been the first Olympics held outside of Europe and North America never happened, making the 1940 Olympics the games that never were.

Thirsty Tokyo

Japan started lobbying to hold the 1940 Olympics in 1932. They were hoping to showcase how far the country had come since suffering a devastating earth quake in 1923, and the opportunities for international diplomacy were also pretty tempting. Italy was the Olympic darling du jour, but the country's leader at the time, Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, displayed uncharacteristic grace when he agreed to step aside if Japan supported their efforts to nab the following summer games. It was a huge win for Japan: The games were to coincide with the 2,600th anniversary of Emperor Jimmu's rise to the throne as the man who brought Japan together under one imperial dynasty. Then, well ...

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(Flickr/Public domain)

Thwarted By Metal

As tensions rose around the world, America, Britain, and France tossed around the idea of boycotting the 1940 Olympics. They didn't want the Games to be used as a propaganda tool like they were in Berlin by the Nazis in 1936. Although Japan assured the International Olympic Committee that they would meet the standards set out by the group, they officially withdrew their bid for the games on July 16, 1938 after organizers realized that they couldn't spare the steel needed to construct the complexes necessary to house the Games, thanks to the war effort. When Kōichi Kido, advisor to Emperor Hirohito, announced Japan's forfeiture, he explained "When peace reigns again in the Far East, we can then invite the Games to Tokyo and take that opportunity to prove to the people of the world the true Japanese spirit." Following the announcement, the Olympic News bulletin reported "The organizing committee and the people of Japan were deeply disappointed in having to give up the Games, but in the circumstances, no other course was open."