The Anti-Fascist Congress of the United Front Who Were Sent To Concentration Camps Soon After

By | October 18, 2020

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Photograph of an anti-fascism protest in Dresden, Germany, late summer 1923. (Getty Images)

Fascism as an ideology came into major prominence in the early 20th century when Italian dictator Benito Mussolini founded the Fasces of Revolutionary Action movement in 1915, and the extreme far-right ideology has proven to be quite destructive throughout history. Fascist regimes often turn violent against their own citizens and those of neighboring countries, the most famous example being, of course, that of Hitler and the Nazi Party.

While the rise of fascism throughout the last century has been thoroughly studied, the power of its influence and the characteristics of its philosophy are still hotly debated among historians. We do know one thing, though, and that is so long as there have been fascist movements, anti-fascists movements have been quick on their heels.

Fascism In Germany

Let's hitch a ride in our time machine back to the 1930s, when Germany was having all kinds of political strife. Back in the '20s, the Weimar Republic was ruled by the Social Democratic Party, but then came along the Communist Party and the Nazi Party, who both thought they could do a better job at pulling people out of the economic depression the country was suffering as a result of Germany's loss in World War I.

While the Communists and Nazis fought each other, they also managed to push the Socialist Democrats out of power, and of course, we all know who came out on top of that philosophical wrestling match. Although Socialist Democrats and Communists had very different ideologies, the Communists made the grave error of believing that these "social fascists" were in any way comparable to the actual fascists that compromised the eventual Third Reich. This political divide basically left the road clear for Hitler to drive his tanks down.  

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Nürnberg, in front of the main railway station, 1929. (Bundesarchiv, Bild 147-0503/CC-BY-SA 3.0/Wikimedia Commons)

The Brownshirts 

One key factor in Hitler's rise to power was the use of a paramilitary police organization called "Sturmabteilung," which translates to "Storm Unit," but they're most often referred to as "Brownshirts" or simply "the SA" in English. This group originated somewhat organically, as financial restraints from the aftermath of the Versailles Treaty shrank the military down to as little as 100,000 men. Many enraged former soldiers banded together, threw their support behind Hitler, and began acting on his behalf in an unofficial capacity.

In reaction to massive inflation and perceived incompetence on the part of the Weimar Republic, SA members and other Nazi supporters attempted to stage a coup d’état against the Bavarian state government in November 1923. Although their initial attempt to take over Germany was a fantastic failure and Hitler was imprisoned in 1924 (for only nine months, somehow), they still managed to make a forceful comeback.

By the early 1930s, the Brownshirts vastly outnumbered the soldiers of the actual German military, which proved extremely dangerous for pretty much everyone who was not a Nazi or Nazi sympathizer. In 1931, the SA was exalted to legitimacy when Hitler appointed the extremely devoted Ernst Rohm to the head of the brutal organization. Over the years, the SA became infamous for harassing and beating people, especially Jews. In response, the still-surviving Communist Party called to action an anti-fascist coalition through the German newspaper Die Rote Fahne (The Red Flag) in 1932.