Harry Houdini: Stories, Myths, And Facts About Magic's Godfather

By | November 18, 2022

Harry Houdini may have passed away in 1936, but he remains the most well-known magician and escape artist of the 20th century. He was the scourge of false mystics and imitators, a hero to the Jewish people, and a mystery to the world at large. There are few people who use their life to its full potential and Houdini was one of them. When he found something that he loved, he followed his bliss until he day he died.

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(LA Times)

Born In Budapest, Raised In Wisconsin

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source: public domain

Born in Budapest on March 24, 1874, Harry Houdini wasn't raised "Hardy Houdini." In the old country, he was known as Erik Weiss, one of seven children born into a Jewish family who left for America in 1878. The family settled in Appleton, Wisconsin, where Houdini took on a myriad of different jobs to help his family get by. Even at a young age, he was drawn toward performing, making his trapeze debut at nine years old as "Ehrich, the Prince of the Air."