Nursery Rhymes Are Not What They Seem: The Story Behind “Little Jack Horner”

By | January 25, 2019

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Little Jack Horner Victorian Illustration. Source: (

We all remember the children’s nursery rhyme about Little Jack Horner. It’s the about the little boy who sticks his thumb into a pie and pulls out a plum. Pleased with himself, he declares, “What a good boy am I!” Far from being a harmless rhyme about a kid who likes to keep his fingers in the pie, the nursery rhyme, Little Jack Horner, tells the tale of an actual person who steals more than just a plum. 

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Many Old English Nursery Rhymes had Hidden Meanings

Little Jack Horner is not unique among nursery rhymes. Many of the rhymes from Old English appear to be harmless verses for children on the outside, but when you read more into them and look at the historical context in which they were written, you can see that they are actually making biting social commentary about people and events of the time.