PBS: All The Good Things PBS Has Done For This Country

By | November 6, 2019

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The iconic PBS logo. Source: (jewishbusinessnews)

With Netflix flipping the traditional TV model on its head and traditional network giants like Disney and HBO creating their own streaming services, how we consume "the tube" is rapidly evolving. In just a few short years, most channels will barely resemble their current counterparts. However, there is one channel that will likely remain the same regardless of how everything else changes: PBS.

From its beginnings in 1967, the Public Broadcasting Service has offered an educational and safe place for kids and adults to watch TV together. Today, it still follows that mission statement to a T. Here are some fun facts you might not know about one of the oldest stations around.

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Inside one of the educational machines. Source: (broadcast.ohio.gov)

Many Helping Hands

Unlike other networks, PBS actually isn't one network. Rather, PBS is a "program distributor and broadcaster." It's more complicated than might seem necessary, but essentially, PBS is made up of over 350 television stations who support the broadcasting service by paying for membership. However, PBS only accepts money without influence. By enforcing a set of standards, they control what they show without being coerced by money.