The Pyramid Of The Sun Is Still Revealing Its Ancient Secrets

By | January 9, 2020

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A unique serpentine mask is one of the more recent discoveries at Mexico's Pyramid of the Sun. (

The Pyramid of the Sun, located in the ancient Mexican city of Teotihuacan, is thousands of years old, yet it is still giving up some of its secrets. Archaeological work done at the site of both the Pyramid of the Sun and the nearby Pyramid of the Moon since 2000 has yielded some interesting finds, including a green stone mask, that have only deepened the mystery surrounding the ancient Mesoamerican pyramid builders. 

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Teotihuacan was abandoned by the time the Aztecs and Mayans ruled Mexico. (


In its heyday, between 100 and 650 CE, the city of Teotihuacan, located about a half-hour's drive from Mexico City, was the largest city in the western hemisphere. The city itself was spread over about 8 square miles and could accommodate a population of about 100,000 residents. Teotihuacan was not a fortress city; there were no walls or gates. Instead, there were temples, suggesting that the city was a center for religion and culture.