St. Patrick’s Day: Origin And Tradition

By | March 14, 2019

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St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Source: (

Every year on March 17th, celebrations take place in honor of St. Patrick’s Day. These celebrations such as parades, wearing the color green, eating the traditional dishes such as Corned Beef and Cabbage, and drinking green beer in Irish pubs have become traditions over the years. Where did these traditions originate from and what do they really represent?

Wherever they came from, they have become annual celebrations throughout the world but especially in the U.S. and Ireland. The origin of St. Patrick’s Day, of course, starts with St. Patrick. But who is he and what is his significance that prompted such celebrations?

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Irish Slaves. Source: (

There are some misconceptions that have been passed down about St. Patrick. To start with, St. Patrick was not even Irish and his name was not even Patrick. His name was actually Maewyn Succat and was born in Wales in the late fourth century A.D. Growing up as a young boy, he was an atheist even though he lived in a Christian family. At the age of 16, a group of Irish raiders came to his village and kidnapped him, taking him back to Ireland and made him a slave. He was in a country where they spoke a language he did not even know so he was quite alone and most assuredly afraid. For the next six years, he was enslaved.