The Mysteries Of Outer Space – How Far Science Has Advanced

By | April 2, 2019

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Space Exploration. Source: (

For years and years, people have asked the age-old questions about outer space. Is there life on other planets? What does the moon look like? How far away are the stars really? Although all of these questions cannot completely be answered, scientists have been able to take giant steps toward at least partially solving some of the mysteries of outer space. The universe is so vast and so far away from mankind that it takes some really high-tech equipment, along with highly trained personnel, in order to explore it.  

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Mars. Source: (

The most talked about planet, as far as life on other planets, is Mars. From old shows and movies, aliens or “little green men” have been depicted to show life on Mars. There are a lot of theories that float around the internet about aliens being real; and, for certain, numerous box office hits about aliens. In actuality, there is no “known” concrete proof that any such aliens exist on Mars or any other planet. In order for any life form to exist on Mars or other planets, certain resources have to be available. Sources such as water, energy like the sun, and organic compounds (such as carbon) have to be available in order for life to be possible.

Scientists have ruled out most of the known planets as possibilities. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune consist mostly of gases, and Mercury and Venus reach temperatures as high as 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The most likely candidate is Mars, which is what scientists are focusing on the most.