30 Eerie Amish Traditions We Can't Believe Exist

By Sophia Maddox | December 1, 2023

Amish Children Get a Kick Out of Team Sports

Welcome to the captivating world of the Amish community, where traditions and beliefs have endured for centuries, often leaving outsiders intrigued, perplexed, and at times, even creeped out. In this slideshow gallery, we will explore the rituals and beliefs that define the Amish way of life. From the intriguing practice of "bundling" to the seemingly peculiar fashion choices of growing beards while shaving mustaches, we will shed light on the reasons behind these customs.

We will also delve into the concept of rumspringa, a period of exploration and decision-making for Amish youth. Join us on this fascinating journey of discovery and gain a deeper understanding of the Amish culture. Continue reading to uncover the hidden layers of their traditions and beliefs that may challenge your perceptions and leave you with a newfound appreciation for their unique way of life.

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(William West Jr.)

In an intriguing departure from their traditional way of life, the Amish community, including its younger members, have found a surprising affinity for sports such as volleyball and softball. Despite their reputation for leading a simple, agrarian lifestyle rooted in conservative values and limited interaction with modern technology, the Amish have embraced these recreational activities for several reasons.

Firstly, sports offer a break from the rigors of farm work, providing an opportunity for leisure and physical exercise. Moreover, these team-oriented games foster social interaction and community bonding, which are highly valued within the Amish culture. The enthusiasm displayed by Amish young people for sports can be perplexing to outsiders, who often associate the community with a more austere existence and might not anticipate their active engagement in athletic pursuits.

They Speak "Pennsylvania Dutch," Which Isn't Actually Dutch

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(Emma Gingerich)

The Amish community speaks a distinct dialect known as Pennsylvania Dutch, which is derived from German and influenced by English. This language is specific to the Amish and can sound strange or unusual to those outside the community. Pennsylvania Dutch serves as a marker of Amish cultural identity and reinforces their separation from mainstream society. The language reflects the Amish's commitment to preserving their traditions, heritage, and distinct way of life. To outsiders, the use of Pennsylvania Dutch may be perplexing due to its unfamiliar sounds, vocabulary, and grammatical structures.

The language acts as a barrier that contributes to the perception of the Amish community as insular and separate, making their conversations and interactions less accessible to those who do not understand the dialect. The preservation of this unique language further reinforces the Amish's distinct cultural identity, which can appear strange or unusual to those outside the community.