30 Eerie Mormon Beliefs You Won't Believe Exist

By Sophia Maddox | July 12, 2023

Temple Garments

Welcome to our slideshow gallery exploring the unique rituals and beliefs of the Mormon people. The customs and practices observed by Mormons can be intriguing and sometimes puzzling to those unfamiliar with their faith.

As you continue reading we'll delve into some of the beliefs that may seem unusual or even creepy to outsiders while shedding light on their significance. From the belief in the planet Kolob to the avoidance of caffeine and the practice of posthumous baptism, we'll navigate through these intriguing aspects of Mormonism. Let's dive in!

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Mormon temple garments, known officially as "temple garment" or "garment of the holy priesthood," are worn by adult members of the Mormon Church following their participation in a ritual called the "temple endowment." This ceremony typically takes place when individuals embark on missionary service or get married.

Once initiated, adherents are expected to wear the temple garments at all times, except during activities such as sports. These garments, predominantly made of white material, resemble a t-shirt and shorts and are embellished with sacred symbols significant to the Mormon faith. Mormons acquire these garments through church-owned stores or the official LDS website. According to Mormon church officials:

This garment, worn day and night, serves three important purposes. It is a reminder of the sacred covenants made with the Lord in His holy house, a protective covering for the body, and a symbol of the modesty of dress and living that should characterize the lives of all the humble followers of Christ.

No Coffee, No Tea, No Caffeine At All

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Mormons, also known as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, follow a religious guideline called the Word of Wisdom, which provides guidance on healthy living. One aspect of this guideline advises Mormons to refrain from consuming coffee and other caffeinated drinks. From their perspective, this counsel is believed to be a divine instruction from God. It's not entirely clear how caffein affects your morality or spiritual well-being, but to each their own.