40 Astonishing Weather Phenomena Caught on Film

By Sophia Maddox | December 19, 2023

Crepuscular rays

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Mario Widmer via Royal Meteorological Society / Natural History Museum

Crepuscular rays, often called "God rays," are a breathtaking natural event that occurs when sunlight streams through openings in clouds or other obstructions in the atmosphere. These rays appear as bright, well-defined beams of sunlight that radiate outward from the source, creating a captivating and almost mystical appearance. Crepuscular rays are most commonly observed during sunrise or sunset when the sun is low on the horizon, and the interplay of light and shadow is at its most dramatic. These rays can stretch across the sky, seeming to converge at the point in the sky where the sun is located, and they often leave onlookers in awe of the beauty of the natural world.

Brocken Spectre

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Jim Frost via Royal Meteorological Society and the Natural History Museum

The Brocken Spectre, a captivating optical illusion that occurs when an observer casts a shadow onto a bank of fog or mist, often seen atop a mountain or high ridge. This phenomenon creates the illusion of a gigantic, elongated shadow with a halo of colored rings surrounding it. The name "Brocken Spectre" originates from the Brocken, a peak in the Harz Mountains of Germany, where this phenomenon was first documented. It happens when sunlight is diffracted or scattered by water droplets in the mist, creating a stunning and often eerie visual spectacle that has fascinated mountaineers and explorers for centuries.