Disturbing Photos From Studio 54

By Jack Ripley | June 1, 2023

Broken Legs But Make It Fashion

A glimpse behind the curtain of history can tell us so much about the stars and celebrities that we think we know so much about. Seeing photos of the events as the unfolded, colorized just for you, shows just how decadent the most famous club in the world really was.

Studio 54 was the one club where the famous and the infamous mixed with reckless abandon, with lines of would-be dancers begging to be let inside. What happened behind the walls of this storied New York City club? How late did the parties go and exactly what did stars like Mick Jagger, Jamie Lee Curtis, and a very young Drew Barrymore get up to at these all-night ragers?

Look closer, these new colorized rare photos and stories dig deeper into the history that you think you know to tell the real stories and hidden secrets of Studio 54.

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When people talk about how popular this club was, they were in no way exaggerating. Getting in was a many people's bucket list. Even the sick or those with broken and/or fractured legs came out, when they should have been in bed. 

Robin Williams was a regular at the club throughout its incarnations

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source: reddit

While a lot of celebrities went to Studio 54 on their own on the search for something specific, Robin Williams was known for bringing his wife to this extremely hot dance club. Onlookers say that he was always dressed up and ready to get down. Even though the club was considered a spooky place it could provide moments of levity.

Williams and his wife went to the club often and they stayed late. Not much is known about what his wife got up to, but Williams was known for turning into the life of the party after ingesting certain substances. He may have been America's sweetheart, but at Studio 54 he could do whatever he wanted.