Etruscans History: The First Romans Were Actually Black People

By | October 14, 2019

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Attic kyathos amphora with warrior, from the Etruscan civilisation, 6th-5th century BC. Source: (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)

The Etruscan people populated a large region in what is now Tuscany and Lombardy in Italy, but they're probably not what you picture in your head when you think of Italians. (Don't lie---it was the Super Mario Brothers.) Strong evidence suggests that the Etruscans were dark-skinned people who traveled from Africa to settle parts of Europe. Not only did the Etruscan settlement predate ancient Roman and Greek civilizations, it greatly influenced the culture of Rome. The contributions of black cultures on the Roman Empire have, sadly, been whitewashed by Eurocentric historians.

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Did black-skinned people have more of a presence in Europe than historians have led us to believe? Source: (

Who Were the Etruscans?

Etruscan culture thrived until around the fifth century, when they were integrated into Roman society. During their height, the Etruscans built an economy based on agriculture, mining natural minerals, and trade with Carthage and Greece. They erected dwellings on steep hills and built thick walls around them for protection. The Etruscans had a unique language and were known to be great artists and craftsmen.