Fascinating Discoveries That Show A Different Side To History Than We Already Know

By | November 30, 2022

This 2,000 year-old green serpentine stone mask found at the base of the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacán, Mexico

Forget what you learned in the history books. More often than not they only tell one side of a story filled with nuance. The rare discoveries that have been collected here show a side of history that we rarely get to see. They peel back the layers of stories that we think we know to expose little known facts that make history all the more fascinating. If you are ready to see a different side to history than you already know, then click ahead...the truth awaits!

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Source: Reddit

This mysterious green mask was discovered at the base of a pyramid in Mexico in 2011, but it wasn’t the only artifact that the archaeologists found. The bounty was discovered at the Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Sun and it’s believed that it was placed in the ground as an offering to the gods 2,000 years ago. Along with the mask archaeologists found pieces of obsidian and pottery directly next to human figurines made from similar pieces of green stone. Archaeologists know that the mask was placed as a part of a dedication ceremony because it was next to a different offering. 

An Ottoman supply train still lays where it was ambushed by Lawrence of Arabia on the Hejaz railway during World War I

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Source: Wikimedia Commons

There were many feats of bravery carried out during World War I, but one of the most inspiring feats of the era was carried out by T.E. Lawrence, otherwise known as Lawrence of Arabia. In 1917 Lawrence was serving in the Middle East when he and a troupe of Arab followers began toppling trains that served the Ottoman supply chain. By the end of the war Lawrence and his troops had destroyed so many trains and railroad that it was impossible to use. Rather than move the vacated trains from their lines the Turkish people simply left them in the desert.