Journey to the Margins: A Visual Chronicle of Hidden Indigenous Tribes Around the World

By Sophia Maddox | March 22, 2024

The Korubu: Masters of Ancient Traditions

Lost tribes, hidden away in remote jungles, deserts, mountains, or islands, preserve ancient ways of life that intrigue and captivate our imaginations. Their rich cultures and untold stories spark curiosity, offering a glimpse into a world untouched by modernity. These resilient communities cling to traditions and languages passed down through generations, showcasing the enduring strength of the human spirit. As we contemplate their existence, we're reminded of our own connection to history and what it truly means to thrive in harmony with nature. Join us on a journey to uncover the extraordinary tales of these lost tribes and celebrate the resilience that binds us all together.

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The Korubu call themselves the Dslala tribe. This tribe has split into two groups. The smaller group is much more open to contact from outsiders than the main group. The bigger group lives in the western Amazon Basin. These tribes are clubbers who are incredibly violent. They stain their wooden clubs, which are often taller than they are, red. This tribe also uses blowpipes that they string with bamboo quivers. Members perform a special dance ritual before each hunting trip. Its purpose is to bring good luck to the hunters.

The Korubu live in small huts. The doors to these huts have very narrow openings. This makes it harder for them to be surprised by outside intruders. They tie raffia streamers around their heads and upper arms on special occasions. They usually eat fish and stewed monkeys while the women raise maize and yucca in fields.

Huaorani: Defenders of Tradition in Ecuador's Remote Wilderness

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Archivo Centro Takiwasi

The Huaorani people live in Ecuador's Amazon Forest. There are almost 4,000 people who speak their language living in five communities near the Curaray and Napo rivers. Two of these communities have rejected all outside contact.

They hunt monkeys, birds, and wild peccaries. This tribe has many hunting taboos. For example, they will not eat deer because their eyes look too much like human eyes. Traditionally, they have used blowguns that are about 10 feet long. They used poison arrows to paralyze the animals, making them easier to kill.

Trees play a vital role in their religion. They draw many analogies between the way trees grow and their own lives. In addition, their language has no word for tomorrow or yesterday. They stay very focused on the present.