The Spirit of the 70s: Unforgettable Vintage Photos

By | June 11, 2024

The Amazing Grace surfboard car, ready for delivery

The 1970s were a time of vast change in the 20th century. Families were moving out of the city and into the suburbs. Urban centers were filling with hip, young upstarts, and some people were even trying to get back to the land. It was an exciting time for everyone because no one knew what was going to happen next. New sports like skateboarding were popping up in Southern California, and bands like The Ramones were blowing the doors off of New York City. Whether you remember tie-dying your own shirts or hanging out in a sweet van with your best friends, this nostalgia-inducing look back at the '70s will make you want to put your roller skates on and boogie down. Let's rock. 

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source: reddit

Whether you’re heading to the beaches of Malibu or you’re catching the surf behind the ocean trawlers of the Gulf of Mexico, you’ve got to have a good car that can hold all of your boards, your gear, and your friends. Surf cars are so big that they’re basically bordering on wagons. While some surfers preferred to take vans, the cooler surfers preferred to ride in these built-out station wagons. This wagon is definitely one of the groovier cars out there. Not only was it painted a sweet pea green, but it hauled surfboards for the smalltime factory. When surfers saw this bad boy coming they knew something cool was in the back. 

A gaggle of girls making phone calls in the dorm

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source: reddit

Long before cell phones were a must-have for every student in the good ole U S of A, the only way for young people away at college was to make a call from the dorm room phones. In many cases, the use of these phones was included in the price of tuition so people could use them as much as they needed (in some Draconian schools they only had pay phones). On busy nights in the dorm long lines would form in the hallway, turning the phone calls into a party that could last late into the night - especially if some of your dorm mates were especially chatty. Imagine trying to call home and have a serious conversation in a hallway full of people. You’d definitely have to develop an indoor voice.