What You Didn’t Know About Lady Bird Johnson: LBJ's First Lady

By | May 9, 2019

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Lady Bird Johnson standing in the Blue Room of the White House, on a Savonnerie carpet, wearing a red evening gown. Source: (Photo by Horst P. Horst/Conde Nast via Getty Images)

The wife of Lyndon Baines Johnson, the 36th president of the United States, Lady Bird Johnson was an introspective First Lady who loved reading and nature. Born Claudio Alta Taylor, the public saw her as a shyer, duller version of the chic and glamorous Jackie Kennedy, Lady Bird’s predecessor to the title of First Lady — the title that was stripped from her when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Almost immediately, Lady Bird Johnson knew that she would be compared to Jackie Kennedy, but she was undeterred. Here are some facts and trivia that you didn’t (or may not) know about Lady Bird Johnson's life, times, and run as the First Lady of the United States

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An infant Lady Bird Johnson with Alice Tittle, the nursemaid who gave her the nickname of Lady Bird. Source: (pinterest.ca)

Her Given Name Wasn’t Lady Bird

When she was born in Karnack, Texas, on December 22, 1912, the only daughter of Thomas Jefferson and Minnie Patillo Taylor, the name on her birth certificate was Claudia Alta Taylor. According to family stories, it was her nursemaid, Alice Tittle, who gave her the nickname Lady Bird. Tittle often exclaimed that the baby was a cute “as a ladybird,” most likely a reference to a ladybug. After a while, the entire family began calling her "Lady Bird" and the name stuck.